Astronaut memorial service set for Jan. 31

Astronaut Jon McBride
Two astronauts, who each piloted space shuttle missions, will take part this month in a Titusville, Florida, memorial service for astronauts who lost their lives in space accidents.

The Astronaut Memorial Service will start at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 31, at Astronaut Memorial Plaza in Sand Point Park. The annual ceremony is held to remember the astronauts lost in Apollo, Challenger and Columbia accidents. 

Astronaut Jon McBride will be the event's master of ceremonies. McBride piloted space shuttle orbiter Challenger that launched Oct. 5, 1984, from Kennedy Space Center

The keynote speaker will be Astronaut Mike McCulley, who piloted space shuttle orbiter Atlantis that launched Oct. 18, 1989, from Kennedy Space Center.

The event is organized by Titusville's Flag and Memorial Committee and the U.S. Space Walk of Fame Museum, which will host an open house after the service at its facility, 308 Pine St. in Downtown Titusville.

1 comment:

  1. These hard work astronauts have served their country well. We wish may their souls rest in peace.


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